An expository essay is a piece of writing that involves exploring a particular idea or issue, researching the existing evidence, and presenting a coherent and to-the-point argument. A writer should define concepts, exemplify the ideas, compare and contrast related phenomena, or provide cause-effect reasoning to reach the desired result An energy crisis is any significant bottleneck in the supply of energy resources to an blogger.com literature, it often refers to one of the energy sources used at a certain time and place, in particular, those that supply national electricity grids or those used as fuel in industrial development and population growth have led to a surge in the global demand for energy in Scientists agree that the cause lies in human activity – burning of oil, gas and coal – that leads to greenhouse effect that causes an increase in average temperature. Experts note that between and , the most powerful increase in greenhouse gas emissions over the past 30 years has been observed
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The following example of climate change essay should be used as a source of information and inspiration. We do not advise direct copy and paste of the parts of the text or the whole paper, because of plagiarism detection. For the ease of use, the paper is divided into logical parts. In recent years, the climate on Earth has changed markedly: some countries suffer from anomalous heat, others from too harsh and snowy winters unusual for these places, cause and effect essay on rising gas prices.
In addition to warming, there is also an unbalance of all natural systems, which leads to a change in the regime of precipitation, temperature anomalies and an increase in the frequency of extreme events such as hurricanes, floods and droughts. According to scientists, for ten months of the average temperature of the planet was 1. The threshold of one degree was exceeded for the first time in modern history.
Scientists agree that the cause lies in human activity — burning of oil, gas and coal — that leads to greenhouse effect that causes an increase in average temperature. Experts note that between andthe most powerful increase in greenhouse gas emissions over the past 30 years has been observed.
According to the World Meteorological Organization, intheir concentration in the atmosphere reached a record high level. This is not a visible threat, but quite real. This means an increase in global temperatures, an increase in the number of extreme weather events, such as floods, melting ice, rising sea level and increasing the acidity of the oceans. If countries do not begin to seriously deal with the problem of environmental protection, by the temperature on the planet can rise by 3.
Climatologists warn: irreversible consequences for the ecology will come even with a warming of more than 2° C. In order to draw maximum attention to climate problems, the UN has attracted not only politicians and scientists, but also celebrities, to the debate. The climatic zones will shift, the weather changes will become more severe severe frosts, cause and effect essay on rising gas prices, followed by sudden thaws in winter, an increase in the number of abnormally hot days in summer.
The frequency and strength of abnormal phenomena such as droughts and floods will increase. The connection between climate change and the emergence of natural disasters was proved by American scientists who discovered traces of warming in the study of tropical cyclones in the Pacific, unusually high summer temperatures in Europe, China, South Korea and Argentina, and forest fires in the US state of California.
Climate change has also catalyzed drought in Africa and the Middle East, snowstorms in Nepal and torrential downpours that have caused floods in Canada and New Zealand.
Some countries due to increased humidity and high average temperature by may become unsuitable for life. According to a study by American scientists, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates and other countries of the Middle East are at risk. According to the calculations of climatologists, at the current rate of growth of greenhouse gas emissions by the average air temperature in the countries of the Persian Gulf can reach ° C.
This will make the territories unsuitable for people. An exception may be large megacities with a developed air conditioning system. But people will be able to leave the house only at night. According to some scientists, we are in the middle of the sixth in the history of the Earth mass extinction of species. And this time this process is caused by human actions.
If climate warming does not stop, many ecosystems, species of living beings that they contain, will become less diverse, cause and effect essay on rising gas prices saturated. UN experts warn that warming will negatively affect yields, especially in the underdeveloped countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America, which will lead to food problems.
According to scientists, by the number of people facing the threat of hunger can increase by million people. Another important consequence of climate change may be a shortage of drinking water. In regions with arid climate Central Asia, the Mediterranean, South Africa, Australia, etc. Hunger, water scarcity, and insect migration can lead to an increase in epidemics and the spread of tropical diseases such as malaria in the northern regions, cause and effect essay on rising gas prices.
One of the most tangible consequences of climate warming is likely to be the melting of glaciers and an increase in the level of the World Ocean. Millions of people on the coast will die from frequent floods or will be forced to relocate, UN analysts predict. According to the expert community, sea level rise in the 21st century will be up to 1 m in the 20th century — 0. In this case, the most vulnerable are the lowlands, coastal areas and small islands.
The first to enter the risk zone are the Netherlands, Bangladesh and small island states, such as the Bahamas, the Maldives. Significant territories can be flooded in countries such cause and effect essay on rising gas prices Russia, the United States, Britain, Italy, Germany, Denmark, Belgium, Iraq, Thailand and Vietnam. According to scientists, it is unlikely to completely stop the climate change to mankind.
However, the international community is able to contain the temperature increase in order to avoid irreversible environmental consequences. To do this, it is necessary to limit greenhouse gas emissions, develop alternative energy and develop a strategy to reduce risks due to warming. Plans to minimize damage from climate change should cover all areas of human activities, including health, agriculture and infrastructure.
In cold areas, for example, you need to change the storm sewage system, prepare for storm winds recalculate the strength of structureschange the fire-fighting system — droughts increase the fire hazard. However, different states have different opportunities to level out the impact of climate change. For example, Holland and Bangladesh experience the same problems: there are more storms, the ocean level has risen. But in Holland there is already a plan of action, they know how they will strengthen the dams, where they will take the funds.
And in Bangladesh, there is nothing of this. Thus, most of the measures needed for adaptation are simple and straightforward, but they require tools and effective planning. According to climatologists, in order to keep the temperature rise up to 2° C, countries need to halve global emissions by in relation to the level of byand to the end of the 21st century — to zero. The average annual reduction in carbon emissions over the past 15 years was 1, cause and effect essay on rising gas prices.
However, these efforts are not enough. To prevent irreversible climate change, the annual reduction of carbon dioxide emissions up to should be at least 6. Cause and effect essay on rising gas prices means, on the one hand, it is necessary to introduce energy-saving technologies, on the other — to switch to alternative energy sources.
Climate Change Essay: Example and Tips The following example of climate change essay should be used as a source of information and inspiration. Contents 1 Example of climate change essay 1. Related Posts: Critique Essay: Example and Tips Personal Experiences Essay: Example and Tips Happiness Essay: Example and Tips Visual Analysis Essay: Example and Tips Evaluation Essay: Example and Tips Response Essay: Example and Tips.
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