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Kimep Master Thesis
The LL. M in International law is a one-year degree program providing specialized knowledge of international law for legal and business practitioners engaged in cross-border legal transactions. KIMEP University created kimep master thesis LL. M in International law recognizing the need for continuing legal education in the Kazakhstan market.
The curriculum was developed to give students the opportunity to increase their level of practical skills while deepening their theoretical legal knowledge, kimep master thesis. Students acquire skills to read and interpret legal texts, critically examine the underlying policies of legal rules, and prepare written and oral arguments based upon correct reasoning.
The curriculum weaves conventional courses generally found in LL, kimep master thesis. M courses around the world with those that deal with the particular legal regime of Kazakhstan that constitute a precondition for foreign direct investment.
Curriculum of LLM program AY. Certain skills are required for the successful study of law. This course teaches those skills: Methods of Study, Use of Language, Critical Thinking, Legal Text Interpretation, Legal Research and Writing, and Architecture of Argument.
The course uses legislation, case reports, and research assignments to achieve its multiple objectives. Writing about the law and learning the art of advocacy are taught through solutions of practical problems. This course must be taken during the first semester in which a student enrolls in the LL. This course may also serve as a Professional English Language course, kimep master thesis.
It will introduce students to the methodology of reading legal text: extending from Treaties, constitutions, legislation and cases. It also provides an overview of the structure and hierarchical form of most domestic legal systems and their relation to international law and organizations. The course also covers the basic techniques of legal research, writing and analysis. Students learn briefcases, perhaps synthesize cases from related fields, and write legal documents as opinions memoranda or thesis related essays.
Kimep master thesis course is based on solving and analyzing legal questions taken from different disciplines. This course primarily is a course in Logic modified for legal study, kimep master thesis. It covers the following subjects of logic: 1 Basic Logical Concepts, 2 Analyzing Arguments, 3 Language and Definitions, 4 Fallacies, 5 Categorical Propositions, 6 Analogical Reasoning, kimep master thesis, and 7 Probability.
The objective is to teach students how to identify arguments from other types of statements, such as kimep master thesis, to distinguish between correct and kimep master thesis reasoning, and to deconstruct legal texts and judicial opinions. Practical and inductive reasoning are emphasized as these are the tools of the lawyer. The course also advances the proposition that: Law is not logic, but a system of authority.
The facade of stylized reasoning is pierced. This course should be taken during the first semester in which a student enrolls in the LL. Public International Law is the system of law that governs the international community; thus the aim of the course is to provide a framework to understand the normative dimensions of international relations.
The course introduces students to the fundamental principles and doctrines of public international law as a meaningful tool for providing order to world politics and for minimizing global conflict. The course reflects the breadth and diversity of international law by covering all main branches, including: sources; the subjects and international institutions; the law of treaties; peaceful settlement of international disputes; the use of force; territory; human rights; diplomatic and consular law and international economic law.
A problem-oriented approach to various case studies is used in both lectures and discussions. This course examines the kimep master thesis governing transnational commercial transactions between private parties.
Since the Convention on the International Sale of Goods CISG is one of the most successful instruments unifying international commercial law, kimep master thesis is studied in depth. An introduction to the English law of international sales is also provided, kimep master thesis, in view of its common application worldwide.
Course coverage also includes commercial terms of the sales agreement Kimep master thesisshipping contracts, insurance, financing arrangements e. The laws of transport operators, including multi-modal transport, are examined, as well as any applicable treaties. Freight forwarders, kimep master thesis, mandatory carrier regimes, and the respective liabilities of the parties involved in international transport are identified.
Private International Law is the set of legal rules that determine the jurisdiction, the applicable substantive law, kimep master thesis, as well as the recognition and enforcement of judgments in cross-border relations among individuals and legal persons. This course will mainly focus on Private International Law rules applicable to transnational business transactions, kimep master thesis. Preliminary matters such as renvoicharacterization, and historical principles guiding forum selection and applicable law are covered.
Since there are similarities among the rules found in several jurisdictions, this course covers the subject matter from a comparative perspective. The Private International Law rules of the United States, the European Union, and the Republic of Kazakhstan serve as the foundation for the study of Private International Law principles.
The CIS Treaties governing enforcement of arbitral awards within the member States are identified and discussed. Pertinent provisions of the Customs Union Agreement are tracked during the course. International Commercial Arbitration [ICA] has already turned into the preferred means of dispute resolution in international business. ICA allows parties kimep master thesis overcome cultural, legal, and geographical differences by appointing a private tribunal to hear and resolve a dispute in a final and efficient manner, kimep master thesis.
However, the key advantage of ICA compared to litigation in domestic courts is that arbitral awards of ICA are enforceable in states. This makes ICA an extremely important subject for every legal practitioner or businessman dealing with international transactions. This course will have a very practical focus. Apart from the general theory of ICA, we will focus on the practices of Kazakhstani courts with respect to enforcement of arbitral awards, we will discuss common grounds of appeal, the appeal procedure, enforcement practices, the ways of interaction between arbitral tribunals and domestic courts, and many other aspects.
The psychology part will provide a brief overview regarding the application of positive psychology to work settings and the psychological kimep master thesis on the development and behavior of managers and organizational leaders.
Topics include: follower influences, nature vs. nurture in the development of leaders, relationship of personality to leadership style, behavioral decision- making biases, kimep master thesis, tactical, operational, and strategic decision-making, group think, and scenario planning and the retention and development of individual talent, and the selective departure of talent. The management part will provide you with an engaging and accessible introduction to the disciplines of kimep master thesis and management.
The course introduces you to key arguments and debates that form the study of business and kimep master thesis. The course enables you to become knowledgeable and sensitive to the complexity of modern business organizations, both domestic and international. This course will introduce students to the ethical climate that underpins sound management. After the Second World War, but especially since the s — that is, after the establishment of the International Criminal Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda — international criminal law ICL is gaining in significance.
In conjunction with the key concepts of the law of international security, international humanitarian law and international human rights law, this course includes lectures, seminars and practical exercises, and covers the substantive issues of international criminal law — that is, jurisdiction, the general part of ICL, crimes under international law genocide, crimes kimep master thesis humanity, war crimes and the crime of aggression — and the fundamentals of international criminal procedure, including the operation of the International Criminal Court.
The implementation of ICL in the CIS kimep master thesis and selected common law and civil law jurisdictions is also covered.
The course is closely related with the practice of international relations and law. The Member States of the European Union adopted the Lisbon Treaty in December The Kimep master thesis endows the EU with legal personality, and the EU will replace the EC.
The Lisbon Treaty contains provisions virtually identical to the failed European Constitution and consists of two Treaties: The Treaty on European. Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. The Lisbon Treaty has reconstructed the architecture of the EU, its institutions, kimep master thesis, and field of competences between the Member States and Community Institutions. Through lectures, seminars and practical exercises, this course studies the new constitutional order of the EU and covers the most important substantive areas of EU law such as Free Movement of Workers, The Right of Establishment, Freedom to Provide Services, and Free Movement of Capital.
These core rights developed over decades through decisions of the ECJ, Community Regulations and Directives, kimep master thesis, and supplementary concepts such as free movement of goods and EU Citizenship. The development of the EU from a Customs Union to a sui generis political structure, with its own currency, may inform developments that take place in the Customs Union formed by Russia, Kazakhstan, and Belorussia. This is a survey course introducing students to the field of Information Technology IT Law.
The course begins by introducing students to the concept and problems of internet governance. Who controls the internet? What is net neutrality and do we need it? Do we need special rules to govern the internet? The course will then explore a number of connected legal topics such as online data protection and freedom of expression. A second module will tackle issues related to e-commerce and the internet giants. Finally, the course will explore the legal aspects kimep master thesis the sharing economy, of blockchains and of the use of artificial intelligence.
As information technologies kimep master thesis across jurisdictions, the course will consider domestic Kazakhregional EAEUand international especially EU and US regulatory responses to the advancement of these technologies, kimep master thesis. This course provides further study into various areas of law. This course may be repeated for credit if the topics are different. This course examines business organizations, applicable legal rules, and best practices from a comparative perspective.
The company law of the State of Kimep master thesis, United Kingdom, the European Union, and the Republic of Kazakhstan serve to explore common principles pervading the object of company law across multiple legal systems. All business forms — ranging from proprietorship to the Joint Stock Company — are delineated, purposes explained, and liability consequences discussed.
Tax advantages and disadvantages of each business organization are identified, though not examined in depth. The course identifies the duties and liabilities of officers and directors under laws of the legal systems identified, kimep master thesis. Discussions of publicly listed companies include disclosure, management requirements, trading restrictions, proxy contests, and insider trading. Tax law is one of the most important legal courses for any successful lawyer-since taxation is present in almost every aspect of professional and business life.
This course introduces students to the fundamental principles of taxation both from the theoretical and practical perspective. Specifically, students will explore the key sources of tax law in Kazakhstan — Tax Treaties, Tax Code, Transfer Pricing Legislation, relevant administrative guidance and instructions, including the most important tax returns, but will also familiarize themselves with the important case law.
The course covers elements of taxes, basic rules of tax calculations for major taxes corporate and personal income tax, value added tax, subsurface use taxation, excise and customs regime, special tax regimes and the importance of tax considerations for business decisions and tax planning.
It also focuses on the rights of taxpayer and tax authorities, rules related to tax de- registration, tax control procedures, tax dispute resolutions, administrative and procedural tax rules, appeal procedures at tax administration and court levels. Students should also explore and distinguish between tax evasion and tax avoidance, understand the key anti-avoidance provisions and also kimep master thesis the relationship of Ethics and Tax Planning.
This class gives students an opportunity to participate in real-life experience complex business litigation. In this simulation class, students will draft claims, answers, replies, motions, appeals, causation appeals, and Supreme Court petitions under the Kazakh rules of procedure. The class is based on an actual rich and complex case study drawn from practice. The Practicum is intended to cover all four levels of the current Kazakh court system: the trial court, the appellate court, the causation panel, and the Supreme Court.
After drafting the relevant court documents, students will act as the attorneys and participate in scheduled trial and appellate hearings before lawyers and faculty members serving as judges, kimep master thesis. In this course students will not only develop their writing and oral kimep master thesis skills, but will also learn the substantive law involved in the case and the rules of procedure in civil practice. The course may be conducted in the Russian and English languages or both, kimep master thesis.
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